2024. 06. 20 [2024 SBA Brown Bag Seminar] What Drives the Development of Climate Technologies in U.S. Energy Firms? Investigating Knowledge Coupling and Position as Technological Antecedents
2024. 06. 20 [2024 SBA Brown Bag Seminar] Empowering Online Learning with Instructor Images and Internet Memes: A Field Experiment on Social Presence Cues
2024. 06. 20 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series] Stuck in the middle: Social comparison processes amidst organizational change
2024. 06. 20 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series] High-risk AI system for business? Investigating the passive pathway of stereotype threat in AI-human interaction
2023. 10. 12 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series] Central Bank Swap Lines, Bank Risk Management and Currency Choice in Trade
2023. 10. 12 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series] Much Ado about Nothing? The Extraterritorial Effects of the U.S. Embargo against Cuba
2023. 10. 12 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series] Friends or foes: How does the media’s information creation role influence firms’ information disclosure?
2023. 05. 31 [2023 SBA Brown Bag Seminar] Brand Exploration in Metaverse: Effects of User-Avatar Resemblance on Engagement and Brand Attitude
2023. 05. 16 [2023 SBA Colloquium Series #2] The Impact of Benefit Ambiguity and Asymmetric Herding Effects on Mobile App Permission Decisions