

경영과학부의 교육과정은 매니지먼트, 재무/회계, 마케팅, 운영관리 등 경영학의 제 분야에 대한 교육과 함께 창의적 사고능력, 데이터 분석능력, 첨단기술 사업에 대한 교육으로 구성됩니다.

학과과정(교과과정) 정보
이수구분 과목코드 과목명 Cred.-Lect.-Exp. Remarks Semester
필수 MGT201 경영정보론 3-3-0 2
필수 MGT202 조직행동론 3-3-0 1
필수 MGT204 마케팅관리 3-3-0 1
필수 MGT205 재무회계 3-3-0 1
필수 MGT207 재무관리 3-3-0 1
필수 MGT209 생산운영관리 3-3-0 1
필수 MGT499 경영전략 3-3-0 1
선택 MGT101 비즈니스커뮤니케이션 & 리더십 3-3-0 1
선택 MGT203 국제경영학 3-3-0 MGT205
선택 MGT206 관리회계 3-3-0 MTH211
선택 MGT210 경영통계분석 3-3-0 MGT106 1
선택 MGT211 미시경제학 3-3-0 MGT202 2
선택 MGT302 인사관리 3-3-0 2
선택 MGT303 전략적 인적자원 관리 3-3-0
선택 MGT306 기업경영윤리 3-3-0 MGT211
선택 MGT312 거시경제학 3-3-0 MGT211 1
선택 MGT315 계량경제학 3-3-0 MGT312 1
선택 MGT317 국제경제학 3-3-0 MGT204 2
선택 MGT330 소비자행동 3-3-0 MGT204
선택 MGT331 국제마케팅 3-3-0 MGT204 2
선택 MGT332 브랜드관리론 3-3-0
선택 MGT361 기술경영 3-3-0
선택 MGT363 계량경영학 3-3-0 Prerequisite:
선택 MGT367 비즈니스 데이터 사이언스 3-3-0 MTH211 1
선택 MGT372 인터넷 비즈니스 3-3-0
선택 MGT380 공급망관리 3-3-0
선택 MGT410 경영과학특론Ⅰ 3-3-0
선택 MGT411 경영과학특론Ⅱ 3-3-0
선택 MGT412 경영과학특론Ⅲ 3-3-0 3-3-0
선택 MGT432 마케팅조사론 3-3-0 MTH211
선택 MGT433 광고관리론 3-3-0 MGT204
선택 MGT466 비즈니스 AI 3-3-0 GT367
선택 MGT471 혁신과 변화의 관리 3-3-0 1
선택 MGT473 창업과 벤처 3-3-0 1
선택 MGT491 개별연구 3-3-0
선택 FIA301 투자론 3-3-0 MTH211 2
선택 FIA303 선물과 옵션 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA304 국제재무관리 3-3-0 MGT207
선택 FIA305 기업재무론 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA321 중급회계1 3-3-0 MGT205
선택 FIA331 금융공학개론 3-3-0 MGT207 2
선택 FIA332 계량재무론 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA402 채권투자 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA404 리스크관리 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA417 증권시장론 3-3-0 MGT207 1
선택 FIA418 벤처파이낸스 3-3-0 MGT207
선택 FIA431 금융시계열 분석 3-3-0 MTH211 2
선택 FIA441 재무제표분석 3-3-0 MGT205 2
선택 FIA443 원가관리전략 3-3-0 MGT206
선택 FIA450 금융빅데이터 분석 3-3-0
선택 MTH342 확률론 3-3-0 2
  • 1비지니스 커뮤니케이션 & 리더

    This course provides theoretical backgrounds and practical tools for effective management of organization and for improving leadership capability. The main topics include personality, motivation, leadership and team management, organizational design and culture, and organizational change, in both micro and macro perspectives. The purpose of this course is to help prepare students to assume increasingly responsible leadership roles in their personal, professional, and academic lives. As such, the course focuses not only on significant theories of leadership and their applicability to leaders of the past and present, but also includes substantial hands-on, experiential and learning opportunities in which leadership will be put into action.

  • 2경영정보론

    This course introduces business and social applications of information technologies (IT). The main focus of the course is on introducing managerial insights into the strategic use of IT. Students will develop familiarity with the principles of information systems through the analysis of real-world business cases. At the end of the semester, students will be expected to understand technical and strategic foundations for the effective use of information systems in organizations and society

  • 3조직행동

    Organizational behavior is about the study and application of knowledge about how individual or group of people acts within organization. This course introduces the basic concepts, theories, models, and cases of behavioral phenomena such as personality, learning, motivation, group process, leadership, organization design and culture, and organizational change.

  • 4국제경영

    Companies compete in the international markets with the globalized of world economy. This course in International Business enables students to be equipped with the ability to analyze global issues in economics and to cope well with the rapidly changing international business environment. With the combination of theories and realistic international business cases, students are prepared to understand and deal effectively with the international business issues.

  • 5마케팅 관리

    This course is an introduction to the theory and application of contemporary marketing. Marketing topics covered include customer needs, company skills, competition, collaborators, and context in marketing and product development(5Cs) and product, price, place, and, promotion (4Ps). The course combines cases, discussions, and theories to provide a mix of integrating concepts and hands-on problem solving.

  • 6재무회계

    Financial Accounting examines basic concepts of accounting and provides a basic framework to understand the financial statement in users’ point of view. This course also provides overview of basic financial statements such as balance sheets, income statement and cash flow statement for financial and accounting decision making.

  • 7관리회계

    This course covers the basic concepts and foundations for the management decision-making using accounting information and cost and benefit analysis. The topics include cost structure and cost concepts, strategic decision making, design of various costing systems, and performance measurement systems.

  • 8재무관리

    This course introduces various issues in financial management. It provides the student with an introduction to the problems faced by corporate financial managers and investment bankers, and suggests methods for resolving the financial problems including capital structure and capital budgeting problems.

  • 9생산운영관리

    Operations management is basically concerned with the production of quality goods and services, and how to make efficient and effective business operations. It involves subjects in the analysis of production planning, inventory and quality control, cost and performance analysis, and supply chain management.

  • 10경영통계분석

    The main goal of this course is to understand statistical analysis of data and to apply to various management issues in forecasting and planning. The topics include the basic concept of probability and statistics with the application of practical cases.

  • 11미시경제학

    This course is an introductory course on the theory of computation. The topics covered in this course includes: mathematical modelling of computing mechanisms (automatons), formal languages, computability, and basic complexity theory.

  • 12인간-컴퓨터 상호작용 개론

    Microeconomics is concerned with the behaviors of individual consumers and businesses. This course provides an introduction to the analytical tools to understand how individuals and societies deal with the fundamental economic problem of scarcity. This course also provides discussions in applied fields such as environment economics, international trade, industrial organization, labor economics, and public finance.

  • 13인사관리

    The purpose of this course is to provide undergraduate learners with a basic understanding of the concept, principles and techniques of human resource management. Content to be explored includes, but is not limited to, human resource planning and strategy, staffing (recruiting and selection), training, performance appraisal, compensation, employee relations, diversity, legal issues and contemporary issues.

  • 14전략적 인적자원 관리

    This course is designed to understand how companies can strategically manage human resources as a source of competitive advantage. This calls for a departure from a traditional view of HR as an administrative function to a view of HR as a strategic partner. Throughout this course, students will be able to apply the knowledge about strategic management to the functions and roles of human resource management. By integrating organizational strategy and HR practices, students can learn how the system of human resource management can be designed and implemented with the clear goal of contributing to the formulation and implementation of the organization’s competitive strategy.

  • 15기업경영윤리

    This course examines business ethics from both an organizational and managerial perspective. Students will examine the goal of business organizations, as well as individual conduct in business settings. Ethical reasoning and ethical leadership will guide students through debates on various topics such as: creating an ethical climate in an organization, honesty, affirmative action, environmental ethics, ethics in advertising and sales, financial management, personnel management, and the role of character and virtues in effective leadership.

  • 16거시경제학

    Macroeconomics is concerned with economic aggregates such as GDP, inflation and unemployment. This course provides an overview of macroeconomic issues such as the determination of output, employment, interest rates, and inflation. Policy issues and applications of basic models will be discussed with special reference to monetary and fiscal policy.

  • 17계량경제학

    This course focuses on the application of statistical methods to the testing and estimation of economic relationships. After developing the theoretical constructs of classical least squares, students will learn how to treat common problems encountered when applying the ordinary least squares approach, including serial correlation, heteroscedasticity and multicollinearity.

  • 18산업조직론

    Industrial organization is concerned with the workings of markets and industries, in particular the way firms compete with each other. Its emphasis is on the study of the firm strategies that are characteristic of market interaction: price competition, product positioning, advertising, research and development, and so forth.

  • 19국제경제학

    This course discusses topics in International Trade and International Macroeconomics. Theoretical analyses will be presented in lecture as a basis for discussions on various policy issues. The topics will include patterns of international trade and production; gains from trade; tariffs and other impediments to trade; foreign exchange markets; exchange rate determination theories; balance of payments; capital flows; financial crises; monetary/fiscal policy coordination in a global economy.

  • 20소비자행동

    This course deals with issues related to the purchase and consumption by consumers, and how marketing managers make effective decisions using this information. It also focuses on understanding and predicting consumer behavior based on theories of consumer psychology and cognitive theory.

  • 21국제마케팅

    This course introduces basic concepts and theories of marketing management of international business. It focuses on international marketing environment and opportunities, global marketing strategy, and overcoming the barriers in different economic environments.

  • 22브랜드관리론

    The goal of this course is to understand how to create a comprehensive brand architecture that will provide strategic direction and develop brand building programs. Relevant theories, models, and tools for the making of brand decisions will be discussed.

  • 23기술경영

    This course provides a strategic framework for managing technologies in businesses. As a basis, this course focuses on how technologies, technological structures, and systems affect organizations and the behaviors of their members. Then, this course aims to help students understand the complex co-evolution of technological innovation and identify new opportunities, business ecosystems, and decision-making execution within the business.

  • 24계량경영학

    This course is an introduction to the key aspects of operations research methodology. Students will model and solve a variety of problems using deterministic and stochastic operations research techniques. Topics include basic theory, modeling, the use of computer tools, and interpreting results.

  • 25비즈니스 데이터 사이언스

    In this course, we study and discuss a variety of data mining techniques in the context of business decision making. Rather than focusing on specific equations and algorithms of data mining techniques, this course will look more at basic concepts of data mining techniques and their applications in decision making. Topics include: data visualization, dimension reduction, k-nearest neighbors, association rule mining, cluster analysis, decision tree, neural nets, and others. Students are expected to develop independent analytical capabilities including identification of opportunities for better decision making and implementation of rigorous methodologies.

  • 26인터넷 비지니스

    This course intends to introduce students to the concept and practice of e-business. The principal topics include the internet and mobile e-business, e-business models, architecture of web systems, and communications and networking.

  • 27MGT 특론 I

    This course is designed to discuss contemporary topics in General Management. Actual topics and cases will be selected by the instructor and may vary from term to term.

  • 28MGT 특론 II

    This course is designed to discuss contemporary topics in General Management. Actual topics and cases will be selected by the instructor and may vary from term to term.

  • 29MGT 특론 III

    This course is designed to discuss contemporary topics in General Management. Actual topics and cases will be selected by the instructor and may vary from term to term.

  • 30마케팅조사론

    This course offers a study of the application of scientific methods to the definition and solution of marketing problems with attention to research design, sampling theory, methods of data collection and the use of statistical techniques in the data analysis. It concerns the use of marketing research as an aid in making marketing decisions. In particular, this course addresses how the information used to make marketing decisions is gathered and analyzed. Accordingly, this course is appropriate for both prospective users of research results and prospective marketing researchers.

  • 31광고관리론

    An analysis of marketing communications from business, social, economic, and political perspectives, this course provides an in-depth discussion of advertising and promotion as key tools in marketing new and established products. This course examines advertising planning and management, research, creative development, media selection, direct response, and advertising agencies. Emphasis is on new media

  • 32비즈니스 AI

    In this course, we study and disc This course will help you answer the following questions: What is artificial intelligence (AI)? What does it mean for business? And how can most company take advantage of it? Recent development of Artificial Intelligence technologies opens new ways of making sens of new opportunities, developing timely and effective strategies, and analyzing better management of operations and marketing in the business landscape. In this course, we study and discuss advanced deep learning techniques and their applications.

  • 33혁신과 변화의 관리

    This course covers current issues and theories on the management of innovation and change in new and existing organizations. It prepares students to understand practical business cases.

  • 34창업과 벤처

    This course is designed to help students understand the challenges and learn how to approach the process of creating and managing a new venture, which includes recognizing and analyzing an opportunity, mobilizing resources, financing a new venture, and managing growth. To achieve this goal, the course will introduce important concepts and cover a number of cases involving different entrepreneurial challenges and settings. It also serves as the capstone course for those pursing a degree in business management and entrepreneurship.

  • 35사회적 기업의 창업

    Social entrepreneurs combine the knowledge and skills used in traditional business, with a passionate commitment to having a meaningful and sustainable social impact. Rather thanthe relentless and selfish pursuit of personal enrichment through profit, social entrepreneurs apply their passion and skill to enrich the lives of people who are poor, sick or disenfranchised. The best social entrepreneurs find creative ways to help the disadvantaged help themselves, by building innovative and sustainable new ―social enterprises that can be scaled to achieve significant social change.

  • 36창의시스템 구현

    Social entrepreneurs combine the knowledge and skills used in traditional business, with a passionate commitment to having a meaningful and sustainable social impact. Rather thanthe relentless and selfish pursuit of personal enrichment through profit, social entrepreneurs apply their passion and skill to enrich the lives of people who are poor, sick or disenfranchised. The best social entrepreneurs find creative ways to help the disadvantaged help themselves, by building innovative and sustainable new ―social enterprises that can be scaled to achieve significant social change.

  • 37개별연구

    This course is intended for students who wish to pursue a discipline in greater depth than possible through the regular curriculum. The course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to expand current knowledge, develop or enhance necessary skills in a specific area of interest related to management.

  • 38경영전략

    This course introduces the basic concepts, process, and various skills and techniques of strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. Practical cases of Korean and American corporations will be analyzed and discussed.

  • 39투자론

    The course in Investment Analysis introduces the students with conceptual framework in the theory and practice of financial investment decisions. The topics include portfolio theory, Capital Asset Pricing Model, market efficiency, and derivative securities pricing.

  • 40선물과 옵션

    This course covers some of the main topics in futures, options and other derivative securities. It provides a working knowledge of how derivatives are analyzed, and covers the financial derivative markets, trading strategies and valuation issues involving options and futures/forwards.

  • 41국제재무관리

    This course deals with the financial issues of corporations and financial institutions in international markets. It covers foreign exchange markets, international stock and bond markets and other related issues in risk and returns.

  • 42기업재무론

    This course is an elective course for students taking finance/accounting department in School of Business Administration. We will initially focus on the institutional features of corporate financing and governance. Then, course deals with the theory of corporate financing such as capital budgeting and capital structure under perfect market conditions. After establishing this basic framework, we will incorporate various market imperfections, such as, taxes, bankruptcy costs, agency costs, and asymmetric information, into the analysis. The course “Financial management” is a prerequisite for students who are taking this course on advanced financial management contents. This course aims at understanding market efficiency hypothesis, capital structure, dividend policy and working capital management, which are based on fundamental financial theories including the present value model, capital budgeting, portfolio theory, CAPM and cost of capital. Moreover, this course will provide a simple introduction to corporate financial analysis, financial planning and derivatives.

  • 43중급회계1

    This course is an intensive study of the theories and practices of financial accounting. The primary goal of this course is to understand both current accounting standards and the conceptual framework that is the foundation of current accounting standards. Specifically, this course is designed to acquaint the student with current accounting theories and practices.

  • 44금융공학개론

    Financial Engineering is a cross-disciplinary field which covers mathematical and computational finance, statistics, and numerical methods that are useful for trading, hedging and investment decisions, as well as facilitating the risk management of those decisions.

  • 45계량재무론

    This course introduces asset price models for explaining stochastic behavior of financial market prices such as equities, currencies, commodities, interest rates, and credits. This course covers what the fair prices of financial derivatives are and how to determine them by using mathematical methods, and also discusses major computational methods that are usually used in financial derivatives valuation. This course focuses on derivation of the Black-Scholes partial differential equation, and validation of various exotic option price with computer simulation with MATLAB.

  • 46채권투자

    This course is designed to introduce fixed income markets including money markets and bond markets. Students are going to understand the time value of money and the relation between price and yield of the bond. The derivatives products underlain by money or bond such as swaps or options will be introduced as well. Most of explanations will be applied to practical market situations.

  • 47리스크 관리

    This course is designed to study effective ways of managing financial risks from the perspective of corporations and financial institutions. Major topics include ALM(Asset liability management), VaR, interest rate risk management, credit risk management, and exchange risk management. Other topics include practical cases and statistical tools for risk manage- ment. Finally, this course deals with theories and recent advances in structured products, interest and credit-related derivatives as a tool for risk management. Students are required to have a solid understanding of basics of futures, options and swaps.

  • 48증권시장론

    This course is an introductory level of market microstructure. Market microstructure is a sub-field of finance that is the study of trading mechanisms. Because most trading occurs during trading session and the market procedure and rules matter, this course deals with the trading protocols and the economic principle that shape them. Topics include how information is impouded in prices, avoidance of market failures, understanding market participants and the trading environment, market impact, market fragmentation and consolidation, high frequency trading, algorithm trading, exchanges. dark pools, ATS(Alternative Trading System), ECN(Electronic Communication Network) and regulations on the financial markets. Finally, this course also covers financial market regulations.

  • 49벤처파이낸스

    This course is how to finance and manage privately-held firms. Topics include private firm valuation issues, financing sources and methods, venture and private equity markets, and exit and outcomes for entrepreneurial and privately-held firms.

  • 50금융시계열분석

    This course provides a basic introduction to modern time series analysis. This course begin by covering characteristics of financial time series data, fundamental foundations of time series and then discuss their estimation and use for forecasting. Topics include stationarity vs non-stationarity, AR/MA/ARIMA, and ACF/PACF. We also cover some multivariate time series models such as vector autoregressive models(VAR) and volatility models such as ARCH/GARCH. Finally, we also discuss potential time series issues in financial economics;, for e.g., Granger causality, cointegration problems, etc.

  • 51재무제표분석

    The goal of this course is to develop skills essential to using financial information and accounting statements for capital market decisions. The course is designed to prepare students to interpret and analyze financial statements.

  • 52원가관리 전략

    Explores critical issues facing accounting and financial managers in the current
    business environment. Topics include: introduction to state-of-the-art managerial accounting practices, in-depth understanding of cost management, product and service costing methods, performance evaluation and managerial compensation systems. Global and ethical issues are examined. Written assignments, case studies and team discussions comprise much of classroom interaction.

  • 53창의시스템구현

    This course is joined with other track for performing a term project through collaboration. Students are required to conceive a novel idea, which will be envisioned by designing and fabricating a product by using the best knowledge learned at an undergraduate level. Lastly, students will present their work in public for evaluation.


학과과정 졸업요건(이수학점) 정보
구분 Credit(Minimum)
9 19
21 27 3 21